Gain more customers through LinkedIn™

A proven approach that will boost your sales.

More visibility

More appointments

Achieve your ROI

Having trouble finding new customers?

Does LinkedIn™ require too much time and effort? I believe it shouldn’t be that difficult for you or your team. Nor should you put so much effort into acquiring new customers through LinkedIn™. Do you find it difficult to being visible to your ideal target audience? And do you struggle posting consistently and on a regular basis?

This is frustrating

Increase your brand visibility

By being consistently and periodically present on LinkedIn™. Through a professional, personal profile (for you and your employees). With a clear target market. By having a professional LinkedIn™ Company  page providing added value.

More reach to the right audience

More reach is nice, but when your team reaches the right audience with a relevant, valuable message is even nicer. Of course in the ‘right’ language. Who is your reader? Results-oriented, innovative, collaborative or structure-oriented? The same message in different languages.

More customers > more revenue

From LinkedIn™… to (offline) conversations… to assignments … that’s the plan. Are you and your team ready? Together we make your brand visible on LinkedIn™; I’ll teach you how. Hands-on, practical, with immediate results. And always up to date of the latest developments.

LinkedIn™ Ambassador & Beta Tester

I understand it’s hard to keep up with all the LinkedIn™ developments. As a LinkedIn™ Ambassador for the Benelux with a global network of colleagues, I speak daily with professionals who are experiencing the same thing. And that’s why I’ve already helped thousands of (international) professionals and brands with their LinkedIn visibility and branding.

35+ years

Sales & Marketing

12+ years of hands -on LinkedIn™ Training & Consulting

Sound knowledge

Beta Tester

Close to the source

Global network
of LinkedIn™

Always up to date

The plan


Make an appointment (online). Simply and quickly scheduled in my calendar. We'll discuss your challenge(s).


We analyze all LinkedIn™ activities and compare these with my proven approach.


We implement this approach in your situation in your organization. We make ambassadors of your employees.


Experience now how LinkedIn™ really works for your organization. Remember though: LinkedIn™ is an endurance run, not a sprint.

More customers > More sales

“How do you attract new customers through LinkedIn™?”
A common question, but there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer.

Attracting new customers requires a strategic plan, a commitment of time, consistency, and energy. I’ll explain in detail how you and your team can best invest your time and take the necessary steps.

Over the past 15 years, I’ve dedicated myself to informing, motivating, inspiring, and training independent professionals, SME entrepreneurs, and big brands on leveraging LinkedIn™ for business growth. This platform offers a unique opportunity to connect directly with your target audience. So, how can your company or brand fully capitalize on this? Before we delve into the roadmap, let’s gain some insight into this large business platform.

Before diving into the details, let me provide you with more insights about LinkedIn™.

Don't wait any longer, use LinkedIn™ to find your clients!